My future school

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Hello,everyone.My name is Wei Fantong.I am a student.I finish primary school now.I am going to middle school. My future school is No.2 Middle school.Look! This is No.2 Middle school.

There is a doorkeeper in the guard room.There are two trees in front of this school.There is a pool near the tree.It's vrey beautiful.There are three buildings in the school,and a lot of classrooms and offices in it.There are some table tennis table in back of the second building.  On the left of the school,there is a palyground,and a basketball court in it.There are four toilets in back of the playground.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址That's all.Thank you for listening!Would you like to visit my future school? 


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