That’s me

Ladies and gentlemen:

Good morning (afternoon)!

Today,I really enjoy the shining moment here.

On this stage, many young people want to tell you about their hobbies, but as for me, I want to tell you something different---my personality.

Do you know Jack Ma? He is a very successful man in China. He once shared his tricks of success——never give up ,in the TV, which really makes me deeply moved.

My personality is just like that. Here goes one story. One day, I was having a computer class. The teacher asked us to try to answer a difficult question. I thought for a few seconds and then tried to answer it on my computer. Just then, my classmate saw it and said:“Don’t do that, it’s wrong.” I said:“ I don’t care, if it’s wrong I will try again. That’s no problem, if you always sit there, thinking nothing, you’ll have no answer at all.” It was my strong belief that made me be able to solve the problem, and that belief was: Never give up.

Well, there are so many things like that in our life, but my personality never changes because I always bear this in mind: Never give up.上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Hope everyone could get what we want with our will and never give up.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址That’s all , thank you!


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